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Deleted Account

Finally bought my tickets. I'll…

Finally bought my tickets. I'll be traveling in around a month to start my studies in another country. I am excited, but I'm also heartbroken. I live with my brother, so our dog will stay with him. I can only hope I can make enough money

How NOT to crypto

How NOT to crypto Woke up 2 am to have classes (yep!) but around 5 am I was pretty hungry (still am!) and realized I haven't got paid in Brazil yet, so I would have to send money from my uni account using telegram/crypto. made the mistake

Yesterday we didn't have classes…

Yesterday we didn't have classes because our professor was sick. It was good to go back to bed. Today they brought another professor to teach us instead. What a pleasant class. He's really a good one. Time is flying by even though his class today is

Does anyone here use Proton services?…

Does anyone here use Proton services? Any feedback on it? Google services have been pretty disappointing and slow; Outlook’s price is almost the same as Proton’s and I’m not sure I want to spend that much on Microsoft Apple’s been pretty bad for me. iPhone is…

After my last post this morning,…

After my last post this morning, I went to bed and slept for around 4 hours. I couldn't really sleep properly since I had been drinking coffee since 2 am to withstand the classes (2:30-7:30) but I managed somehow to take a little nap. I

Last year, when I applied for…

Last year, when I applied for the scholarship, I did so thinking I’d never get it because I was 33 years old and had already graduated in a different area (I applied for a bachelor’s in tech. I hold a languages degree). It turned out that I was…

There's an interesting aspect to…

There's an interesting aspect to bitcoin that I can't quite grasp. I mean, I have used other coins in the past (mainly telegram's coins to send a bit of money to my Russian account to pay for courses) which is the amount of things

Hello, Nostr #introductions

Hello, Nostr #introductions I'm Sanches. I'm from Brazil, currently in Brazil as well. I'm 34 years old, I have a dog, and I look playing computer games and watching football (with the foot, you know, 11 players each side) and vai Corinthians! I have
Rafael Sanches
Walking down memory lane. Dogs, China, Brazil and so on.

This was a mistake. I need…

How NOT to crypto